
Endnote word mac 2016
Endnote word mac 2016

endnote word mac 2016 endnote word mac 2016 endnote word mac 2016

One Time I had a corrupted Word document that caused End Note to give out some errors while creating the bibliography. That was so easy that I decided I will not give Bookends another try - at least for this thesis ) Well, after about 2 hours I had this special configuration I needed. So I turned to EndNote X6 on the one hand I didn't have to pay for as student at my university and on the other hand it was promoted with a very good Word Plugin. The institution wanted some special sort of in-text citations I wasn't able to configure with bookends. Unfortunately I didn't manage to make the in-text citation links Bookends needed for the bibliography. I bought Bookends some time ago in a MacUpdate Bundle so it was my first choice to go to. Not a big deal I thought because I like text editors like Word and Pages. I had to write the Bachelor's Thesis with MS Word.

Endnote word mac 2016