
Diablo 2 steam banner
Diablo 2 steam banner

Interestingly, this doesn't appear to be entirely new. A large part of the message has already been decoded, and it's filled with passages like "It drives east, east to be released by the other two dark stones," and "The shadow of a past light carrying within it the spark of evil brothers." The verbiage is difficult to parse because it's incomplete and possibly out of order, but it's definitely very Diablo. These words are being shared in threads on the Diablo, Diablo 2, and Diablo 2: Resurrected subreddits, as well as a couple of Discord servers, and from there into a large Google Docs spreadsheet, where a detailed record of work progress is being tracked and a (somewhat) coherent secret message is beginning to coalesce. So in my case, for instance, 558 13 06 15 translates to the word "new."

diablo 2 steam banner

The first three numbers in the strung represent where the word will be in the hidden message the next two are the page number in the manual the next two are the line number and the final two are the number of the word. Like old book-based DRM, those numbers-and again, this is entirely Reddit figuring it out, I am terrible at ARGs and can claim no credit-translate to specific words in the Diablo 2 instruction manual. Article taken from took me a solid three minutes of clicking like a fiend before that number popped more industrious fans have put together macros that auto-click multiple times per second, saving wear and tear on both mouse and finger. Overall, it seems to be great.Īre you going to pick up Diablo 4? Or have you been playing during Early Access? Let me know in the comments your thoughts on the latest in the series. Apart from that, everything else on desktop with my NVIDIA 2080 Ti works as expected and I've been seeing over 100FPS at 2560x1440 in busy town areas, and much higher out in the open world. Through repeated testing, it only seemed to happen the very first time. One issue I did have, was opening the map for the first time on desktop caused the game to lock up. Naturally I've been testing it on desktop Linux too where it also works.

diablo 2 steam banner

Nice to see another huge release working nearly to perfection on Steam Deck. Overall, it's an impressive show for performance and a lot of fun to play through. YouTube videos require cookies, you must accept their cookies to view.

Diablo 2 steam banner